One-Time Payments

Making a Payment


One-time payments are payments that are not associated with an order and acts as an arbitrary payment for a customer. The payment can either be a manual payment or a terms payment that applies to the customer's terms balance. You can make a one-time payment in Velocity on the Payments page, on the Customers page, or on a customer's Payment History page. All three will navigate you to the Create a Payment page, but doing so on the Customers or Payment History page will automatically fill in the customer field on the form.

Create a payment

You can make a payment on the Payments page by clicking on the new payment button above the table.

You can make a payment on the Customers page by clicking on the ... button next to the customer you would like to create a payment for and clicking the new payment button in the dropdown menu.

You can make a payment on the Payment History page for a customer by clicking on the new payment button above the table.

Form fields

The customer field is a dropdown menu to select the customer this payment will be for. This field will be automatically populated if you navigated to the form from the Customers page or the Payment History page.

The amount field is an input to specify the amount of money you will charge the customer.

The checkbox labeled apply this payment towards the customer's balance will apply this payment towards the customer's terms balance. This will also mark the payment as a balance payment rather than a manual payment.

The notes field is an input to provide relevant notes to go along with the payment. These notes will be visible on the payment's receipt.

Any custom fields you have created for payments will appear below the notes field.

After filling in the customer and amount fields, the customer's saved payment methods will load under payment method. You have the option to select a previously saved payment method or add a new one.

A checkbox is below payment method to specify if you would like to send a receipt to the customer's email address.

After making a payment

After making a one-time payment, you will be directed to the Payments page. You will be shown an alert telling you that it may take time for the new payment to appear in the table.

After the payment appears in the table, you may click the button next to the payment to edit, copy payment ID, view receipt, or refund payment.

The payment receipt has a public URL which is able to be shared with customers.