
Category Management



Categories can be managed from within Velocity in the Categories page. There, you are able to see a list of all categories that are currently live.

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On this page, you can...

  • Add categories
  • Edit an existing category
  • Archive categories

Adding Products to a Category

From the categories list, you can click on the category's name to access the Category Details. There, you are able to add or remove specific products to that category.

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Archiving Categories

Users are able to archive categories that are no longer needed. In order to archive a category, it must not be linked to an alignment.

To archive a category, access the Categories page and click on "Edit" next to your desired category. In the edit modal, click on "Archive...". A warning message will appear to confirm the action, with a list of side effects that will occur if you continue.

  • This category will no longer appear in the list of categories
  • It will only be visible when filtering by archived categories
  • All linked products will be unlinked
  • Commissions will no longer be generated
  • Existing commissions will remain editable

If you are sure that you want to archive the category, you can confirm by clicking on "Archive Category".

Linking a Category to a Territory

To link a recently created category to an alignment, you must first go to the Categories page and click on the category you wish to link. After reaching the Category Details page, click on "Link Alignment" on the left hand side under Management. Once done, you will be met with the following UI:

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To configure the alignment correctly, you must first choose a Commission Strategy from the following options:

  • Percentage Commission
  • Customer Group Percentage Commission
  • Base Price Commission

This selection will determine how commission splits are configured. Each selection will change the UI to fit that strategy.

After choosing a commission strategy, you then choose which Territory Alignment you want the category linked to. Once done, click on "Link Alignment" to confirm your configuration.

Viewing Archived Categories

To view a category that was previously archived, go to Categories within Velocity and then click on the filter button to the left of the "Add Category" button. Then, click on "Show Archived Categories" to show which categories have been archived.

To unarchive a category, click on "Edit" next to the category you want to unarchive and click on "Unarchive..." within the UI.