

Release October 15th, 2024


  • Shipped Date Filter — Users can now filter by a Shipped Date range within Commission Reports.


  • Customer Commission Overrides Dynamic Link — Users now have the ability to assign Customer Commission Overrides as a Dynamic Link to a category.

Release October 7th, 2024


  • Order Archived Filter — Users can now filter out archived orders from Commission Reports.
  • Order Archived Column — Users can now export the "Order Archived" column in Commission Reports, which indicates if the order has been archived with either TRUE/FALSE.
  • Shipped Date Filter — Users can now filter by a Shipped Date range within Order Reports.

Release September 18th, 2024


  • One-Step Terms — Users can now pay for terms orders in bulk from within the Customer Invoicing page.

Territory Alignments

  • State Search — Users can now search for states within territory alignments.

Release September 9th, 2024

Territory Alignments

  • State Selection — Users can now select the entire state while assigning territories in alignments.
  • City Search — Users can now search by city within territory alignments.

Release September 3rd, 2024


  • Filter by Customers with Terms — Added a filter on the Customer Details page that allows Users to filter by Customers who have Terms orders.


  • Amount Due in Order Report — Added a column in the Order Report that shows the total amount due on ongoing terms orders.
  • Terms info on Customer Report — Added columns in the Customer Report that export Terms Status, Terms Credit Limit, Unapplied Balance, Terms Net Days, and Amount Invoiced for Customers.

Release August 29th, 2024


  • Shipping Method in Cart Details — Users can now see which shipping method was used on the order directly within the Cart Details on the Order Details page.


  • Filter by Approved Customers — Added a filter on the Customer Details page that allows Users to filter by Approved or Unapproved Customers.

Release August 22nd, 2024


  • Offline Payments — Users can now place orders within Velocity without needing a payment method.
  • Payment Type Filter — Users can now filter Orders within Velocity by the Payment Type (Online, Offline, Store Credit, etc.) used on the Order.

Release August 19th, 2024


  • Order Report — Added Commission Sum as a column that shows the total amount commissioned to Reps on an order.
  • Order Item Report — Added Customer Custom Fields as a column that shows all custom fields assigned to a customer that's associated with an order.

Territory Alignments

  • Velocity Maps — Velocity now allows Users to Manage Territory Alignments from directly within Velocity. Alongside this, Users can also link that map directly to a commissionable category within Velocity.


Release August 5th, 2024


  • Manual Shipping — Velocity now allows Users to go live with their instance with just manual shipping and without linking any shipping account.

Release July 29th, 2024


  • Order Items Report — Added Item Discount as a column that shows the dollar amount that was discounted from that order line item. As a note, coupons that discount the entire order's subtotal are not shown since the discount is applied at the order level instead of the item level.

Release July 23rd, 2024


  • Category Management Rework — Users can now manage their ecommerce Categories from within Velocity. This includes creating, editing, archiving, and building out a category's catalog. Additionally, Users can also link/unlink the category to/from an existing commission structure.


  • Customer Approval — Velocity now supports an official Customer Approval workflow. This means that Users can now approve customers who have verified medical licenses for orders (or other certifications required before ordering). They can also set these statuses to expire after a certain amount of time.

Release June 25th, 2024


  • Linking Alignments — Authorized Users now have the ability to link a category to a commission alignment directly from within Velocity. During this process, Users can also establish a Commission Hierarchy, base price for a product, and Commission % per Rep.


  • Order Items Report — Added QBO Customer as a column that displays the Customer's QBO ID Number next to the order that they're associated with.
  • Subscription/Subscription Line Items Report — Added Customer Email, Previous Order ID, and Previous Order Subtotal. Additionally, Previous Order Amount was changed to Previous Order Total.

Release June 10th, 2024


  • Dispute Statuses — The statuses "Dispute won" and "Dispute lost" were added to the Payments tab Filter.


  • Orders Report — Added Customer Number as a column that shows the eCommerce Customer ID.
  • Commission Report — Added Commissioned Reps as a dropdown within the Commission Report page. If a Rep(s) is selected, only the selected Rep(s) will be displayed within the Commission Report.


  • Terms Orders — Added the ability for Users to change the due date of a terms order to 15, 30, 45, or 60 days from the current date. Optionally, Users can also set the next due date to a specific date.

Release June 6th, 2024


  • Commission Levels — Within the Order Details page under the "Rep Commission" section, Users will now find a new icon to the left of the Rep's name displaying the order in which they live within that Category's commission hierarchy. These levels are shown as 1, 2, 3, etc.


  • Payment History — This is a new page within the Customer Details that allows authorized Users to see all payments made within Velocity that were associated with that Customer.


  • Custom Order Statuses — Velocity now supports the ability to create custom default order statuses upon request. Contact MedShift to set default statuses.


  • Commissioned Reps Filtering — The Order Items Report

Release May 22nd, 2024


  • Attachments Filter — This feature allows Users to filter Orders by whether or not they have Attachments.

Order Details

  • Mark an Order as Capital Terms — Authorized Users can now mark or unmark an order with terms as a Capital order. This can be done within the Terms section in the Order Details.
  • Custom Email Support — There is now full customization support for any emails sent by Velocity. Contact MedShift to customize emails.


  • Order Items Report — A new 'Item Cost' field has been added and is sourced from the storefront configuration.


  • Product Custom Fields — Users can now add Product Custom Fields within the settings section of Velocity. These fields can be used to associate extra information with products for better reports.

Release May 13th, 2024


  • Archive Orders — This addition allows for users to be able to Archive Orders. This can be done within the Order Details page below the Activity section in the left sidebar. Once an order is archived, it will no longer be displayed within the Orders page and can only be brought up again by filtering Archived Orders within the Orders page. An important part of this feature is that archiving an order also hides it from the customer


  • Default Addresses — Customers can now have default addresses set for Reps when checking out on their behalf.


  • Default Addresses — Customer Default Addresses now show up on the Customers Report.
  • Customer Email and Phone # — These fields were added to the Order Lines Report.


  • Commission Origin — Velocity now captures the source of commission and display it on the Order Details page. Possible sources are Alignment, Manual, and Override.
  • Unlinking Territory Alignment — Authorized users can now unlink commission categories from commission maps within Velocity.

Release April 19th, 2024


  • Product Labels — This new feature adds another classification to products within Velocity. These can be useful in organizing products under a certain category to help access a specific list of products more quickly within the Catalog. These can be added through the Catalog Settings and, afterward, will be displayed next to products under Catalog -> Products and will appear as a column in the Order Items Report

Release April 1st, 2024


  • Scheduled Reports — This new feature allows users to set up a report to automatically run at a given interval. Users can customize the time and days of the week the report will run on. Scheduled reports are automatically emailed to one or more addresses of your choice.
  • Add bill-to and ship-to addresses to Order Lines Report
  • Add "Term Paid" column to Order Lines Report


  • Customer Attachments — Users can now upload personalized documents or other files to their customer profile.


  • Commission Tab Rework — One map in eSpatial can now be used with multiple commissionable categories. Users can see all available eSpatial maps and their associated categories on the new Territory Allignments page.

User Management

  • Users can send password reset emails from the user management page
  • Users can now change their own display name and email address in Velocity

Release March 18th, 2024


  • Users can now edit the settings of a previously saved report
  • Added "Invoiced Amount" column to Customers Report
  • Users can now send reports to multiple email addresses

Order Details

  • Updated design of payments section on order details page

Release March 6th, 2024


  • Added support for refunding payments that have been paid with a customer's balance
  • Added support for refunding payments made against a terms order


  • Added "Paid in Full" column to the Orders Report export
  • Added "Capital Terms" filter option in Orders Report page
  • Added "Customer Labels" selection section to Orders Report page
  • Added "Commissioned Reps" column to Order Items report export

Release February 21st, 2024


  • Added Customer Commission Overrides report
  • Added Velocity Users Report
  • Added "Commission Percent" column to Commission Report


  • Added warning message when invalid items are added to a cart when editing orders